ERG Excellence Award 2024

Let yourself draw inspiration from the remarkable achievements of the Professional Women Council (PWC) Poland at Rockwell Automation, winners of the 2024 ERG Excellence Silver Award.


Through an innovative blend of mentoring, coaching, and skill-building workshops, PWC Poland with its “From Potential to Advantage- Development program for women” is shaping a future where women in this organisation are supported to excel both in their personal and professional life. not only professionally but holistically. Their focus on confidence-building, well-being, financial independence, and cultivating a culture of mutual support exemplifies true empowerment. This groundbreaking project also provides opportunities to develop a wide range of competencies, ensuring a harmonized approach to personal and professional growth that empowers women to lead with confidence and balance.

This initiative is more than just a program; it’s a movement that’s breaking barriers for women in leadership and setting a standard for how organizations can uplift their teams.

Here’s what we can all take from their success:

Mentorship matters – A supportive mentor can help open doors to new opportunities.

Confidence is a skill – It grows when nurtured through intentional efforts.

Leadership starts with support – Empowered individuals create thriving communities.

Congratulations, Rockwell Automation PWC Poland, on this well-deserved recognition! Your holistic approach is an inspiration to us all.


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